Broadway Joe Talk Show | January 17, 219

January 17, 2019

– Guests: Debra Wood, Windgate & CHARTS Theater Coordinator at the Center for Humanities & Arts on the campus of the UA of Pulaski Tech |  You are invited to a Gallery Reception for two exhibits hosted by the Center for Humanities & Arts (CHARTS) on the campus of the UA of Pulaski Tech, Friday, January 18th from 6pm-8pm.  One of the exhibits, “Women of a New Tribe” is a photographic study of the physical and spiritual beauty of the Black American women we see around us every day.  The women portrayed represent the black woman in many of her physical and social manifestations, the young and the old, mothers and daughters, artists and professionals.  The second exhibit, “The Creative Mind” celebrates the contributions of African Americans to medicine, mathematics, engineering, and all branches of science.  Featured speaker at the reception will be Garbo Hearne, Director of Hearne Fine Art.  Music will be provided by Dr. Barry McVinney and Julia Buckingham. For more information, visit or call 501-812-2715.  

– Guests: DuShun Scarborough, Executive Director with Arkansas Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission | Mega King Fest. The 2019 A Day of Service – “A Day On, Not a Day Off’ Mega King Fest will be Monday, January 21st on the campus of Philander Smith College, 900 West Daisy Bates Drive, Little Rock.  A number of events hosted by the AMLK  Jr. Commission and its partners will be taking place. 

6 A.M. – 9 A.M. – The Broadway Joe Morning Show live broadcast of several guests

7 A.M. – Interfaith Unity Prayer Breakfast by invitation only at Saint Mark Baptist Church.

3 P.M. – 6 P.M. – Mega KingFest will include on-site community service projects, youth initiatives, health screenings, performances by Angela Winbush, Melvin Williams, & Zae Hilfiger and more.

To RSVP or obtain more information and the list of events visit or call 888-290-KING (5464).

– Guests: Leta Anthony, Central Arkansas Re-Entry Coalition;  Attorney Julie Howe, Attorney Tabitha Lee, and Attorney Zina Hill Frazier with Center for Arkansas Legal Services |  Central Arkansas Re-Entry Coalition in collaboration with the City of Little Rock presents Rights After Wrongs:  A Day of Service, A Lifetime of Change, Saturday, January 19th from 9am-3pm at Arkansas Workforce Center, 5401 South University Ave. in Little Rock.  Attendee will get information on how to Seal You Criminal Record (Must bring Sentencing Order & ACIC), Leniency Court – District Courts in Pulaski County (misdemeanor obligations, outstanding fines & failure to appear) Must be present at 9:30am, Meet with Employers (bring your resume), AR Driver Control, Health Screenings, Free Legal Consultations, and Free Tail Light Repair.  For more information, visit or call 501-244-5483 or email